OER1116 Oral Presentation
Wednesday 11 May 16.50 Breakout Room 6
Why, why, why DELILA? Releasing information and digital literacy content to support trainee teachers in higher education
Catherine Robertson, University of Birmingham & Jane Secker, London School of Economics
Conference Theme: Academic practice and digital scholarship
Abstract: OERs play a huge role in educational development, and many institutions are encouraging their staff to repurpose existing materials when new learning materials for students are being considered. However, what about OERs being used in the education of teacher? This session will report on the DELILA (Developing Educators' Learning and Information Literacies for Accreditation) project, which aims to adapt existing digital and information literacy teaching materials, to make them openly available, and to integrate them into accredited HEA programmes for new academics. Led by the London School of Economics (LSE) in partnership with the University of Birmingham, DELILA has been funded by the Higher Educational Academy (HEA) and JISC under the HEFCE Open Educational Resources (OER) programme, to support UK institutions in sharing teaching and learning materials freely across the world. The paper will briefly outline the different phases of the project before discussing the material itself and its uses and impact. UoB and LSE undertook an audit of exiting material used in Information Literacy (IL) and Digital Literacy (DL) training which could be adapted for use in the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCert). The objects were then modified to become OERs and mapped to the current PGCert curriculum and UK Professional Standards Framework. In this way academics are able to update their own IL and DL skills, whilst also reflecting on opportunities for embedding materials in their own teaching. By developing searchable local repositories specifically for these teaching materials, and depositing nationally in OpenJORUM it is hoped that it will be easier for new academics to locate and share relevant teaching resources.
Keywords: information literacy; digital literacy; oer