OER1122 Oral Presentation ppt

Thursday 12 May 12.00 Cockcroft Theatre

Inside Out: Linking OERs to professional development and knowledge management activities

John Casey, Hywell Davies, Chris Follows, Nancy Turner & Ed Webb-Ingall, University of the Arts London

Conference Theme: Academic practice and digital scholarship

Abstract: The ALTO (Arts Learning & Teaching Online) project at the University of the Arts London has as one of its high level aims to link engagement with OER publishing activity to a process of educational culture change across the institution. This presentation describes the journey that the project team has taken to address this aim and some of the emerging outcomes, which may be of use across the HE sector. Along the way the team have had to seek answer to some tricky questions like:

Early on in the project discussions we decided to focus on the ‘why?’ question in relation to OER creation and sharing with the hope that everything else would make sense from there. This helped us to come to some useful conclusions about why we should engage with OER creation and sharing and also offered further areas to explore that include:

Keywords: open educational resources; professional development; pedagogy; educational development; learning design; knowledge capture; knowledge management; blended learning; flexible learning; repository; social media


Arts Learning & Teaching Online Available at: http://www.arts.ac.uk/alto/

Wenger, E. (1998) Communities of Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Conole, G. (2008). Capturing practice: the role of mediating artefacts in learning design. In Lockyer L., S. Bennett, S., Agostinho, and B Harper (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Learning Design and Learning Objects: Issues, Applications and Technologies. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
