OER1137 Symposium
Friday 13 May 09.30 Breakout Room 6
Symposium Short Papers (4):
The art of sustainable engagement with OERs
Chair: Tom Browne, University of Exeter
Conference Themes: OER strategy and sustainability
Intended audience: Academics, education managers, higher education professionals
Background & rationale: Sustainability of funded OER initiatives is a thorny issue and encompasses a number of understandings and approaches at a range of levels:
Main idea(s) to be explored: This symposium of papers will explore approaches from a number of institutions that have developed OERs through the HEFCE-funded and JISC/HEA-managed projects in both phase 1 (2009-2010) and phase 2 (2010-2011). University of Exeter, HEA Engineering Subject Centre, University of Arts London and University College Falmouth all developed OERs in the first JISC/HEA initiative and are continuing to do so under continuing funding. Having explored issues of sustainability in the first round, the second phase of development allows these institutions to comprehend and design sustainability at the outset, both at a micro level through considerations of platform and networks, but also at macro-level through institutional strategies and sector-wide networks. This symposium will share some of the challenges and resolutions around contested notions of sustainability.
How will discussion be facilitated? Discussion will be facilitated through the use of scenarios and exploration of oppositional views. For example, whether OERs may be viewed as a key marketing tool for institutions or as tools to expand the horizons of learning and research. A series of oppositional statements may be produced, arising from each project context, which will allow delegates to explore their own institutional and disciplinary contexts.
Keywords: sustainability; oer, cpd; interdisciplinary
Casey, J., Brosnan, K., Greller, W. (2005) Prospects for using learning objects and learning design as staff development tools in HE TrustDR http://trustdr.ulster.ac.uk/outputs.php
Di Savoia, A., (2009) ‘Creating OER for Art, Design, Media and Performance students’ OpenEd 2009 Vancouver
McGill, L., Currier, S., Duncan, C., Doublas, P., (2008) Good Intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials JISC http://ie-repository/jisc.ac.uk/265
Pegler, C. (2010) How can we achieve sustainability in OER ‘The Leeds Manifesto’ SCORE http://www8.open.ac.uk/score/news/oer-and-sustainability-leeds-manifesto
Rodway-Dyer, S. (2010) OER Evaluation Report University of Exeter