OER1150 Oral Presentation ppt
Wednesday 11 May 15.15 Breakout Room 4/4a
2012 Olympics and Paralympics: Learning Legacies
Rob Pearce & Alex Fenlon, HE Academy Engineering Subject Centre, University of Loughborough
John Buswell, HLST Subject Centre, Oxford Brookes University
Conference Theme: Collaboration and communities
Abstract: The aim of the project is to identify, develop as necessary, make accessible and promote resources which can support higher education programmes in engaging students in learning through opportunities afforded by the Olympic and Paralympic Games and their legacy.
There are two distinctive features of the project:
First, it is drawing on the benefits of collaborative arrangements with a number of Universities and other bodies to develop the suitability and accessibility of resources for use in teaching and learning in higher education. The Olympics Special Interest Group set up by the HLST Subject Centre has provided sixty case studies and discussion starters for use and re-use. Routledge, as a leading academic publisher internationally, has a well-established portfolio related to the Olympics, and sport in general, and has agreed to make freely available previously privately owned resources.
Second, it is contributing to an iterative process between research and enquiry into the Olympics and the case studies and other resources which it both generates and responds to. Podium, the body charged with promoting the Olympics and Paralympics to FE and HE, is liaising with the IOC, LOCOG and ODA to release a range of original reports and other documents relating to the planning of the Games to provide material for research and for use in teaching and learning.
Furthermore, a resource pack being developed by the project will offer a Guide to Researching the Olympics and will underpin the work of the project in
harnessing the rapidly growing interest in the Olympics and Paralympics and its scope for engaging students and teachers alike across the range of HLST subjects to develop a community of practice.
The essence of the project is to bring the scope of the Olympics and Paralympics for teaching and learning in higher education to the attention of as many teachers and students in the HLST subject, and other subjects, through the dissemination work of the project and through the ease of access created by their Creative Commons licenses and clear metadata. The project will release resources in repositories such as Jorum and RADAR (the Oxford Brookes institutional repository), but will also make use of web 2.0 technology for dissemination with teachers and students (the project is engaging with them through both Twitter and Facebook) and links to websites such as the British Library and Routledge who are both developing Sports-related sites.
Keywords: olympics and paralympics; collaboration; community of practice
HLST Olympics Special Interest Group (SIG) http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/hlst/ourwork/olympics_sig
Resource Guide to the Olympic Games http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/assets/hlst/documents/resource_guides/olympics.pdf