OER1166c Short Paper (Part of Symposium OER1166) ppt

Accredited Clinical Teaching Open Resources (ACTOR)

Gillian Brown, Nigel Purcell & Megan Quentin-Baxter, Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine, Newcastle University

Conference Theme: Collaboration and communities

Abstract: The ACTOR project represents a consortium of five partners (Hull York Medical School, Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Newcastle University, University of Bristol and University of Cambridge), delivering postgraduate certificate, diploma and masters level programmes in clinical (including allied health professions, dental, medical, nursing and veterinary) education (PGCertClinEd). These programmes are similar to PGCertHE and support the academic development of clinicians and others involved in teaching students of human and animal healthcare.
Led by MEDEV, the project aims to accelerate uptake of OER approaches, such as good practice in use of Creative Commons (CC) licences; consenting human involvement in educational resources; and clearing reuse of third-party upstream rights in educational resources by PGCertClinEd programme leaders. It focuses on mapping resources to the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF)1 and the Academy of Medical Educators (AoME) professional standards2. A community of practice will be created among those who teach healthcare education leaders of the future who are themselves teaching others. It is hoped that this will exemplify and cascade best practice in sharing resources.
A phase 1 UKOER pilot project, Organising Open Educational Resources (OOER), developed a good practice risk assessment toolkit and guidance to users and potential contributors of OER.  Using these tools, potential ER are mapped against institutional policies and procedures in consent, IPR, copyright and quality assurance. All five partners are actively engaged in developing and disseminating resources and strategies to the wider clinical education development community.
The project will release a substantial amount (>30 credits) of resources relevant to clinical education programmes using the most open CC licenses possible.  We have identified and harnessed the collective know-how of our partners, and used high quality processes to provide a long term ‘direction of travel’ for systematically uploading accredited clinical education resources as OERs to Jorum, the UK repository for HE and FE. The project also aims to explore strategies for the dissemination and utilisation of the OER resources in practice contexts together with the PORSCHE project, and to foster an effective and sustainable community of practice.

Keywords: accredited; healthcare; ukoer; clinical recordings; medicine; dentistry; veterinary medicine; elearning; creative commons; rights; omac ukpsf; community of practice; teacher training; educator


1 Higher Education Academy (2006) UK Professional Standards Framework. Available from: www.heacademy.ac.uk/ourwork/universitiesandcolleges/accreditation/ukpsf accessed 30 November 2010.

2 Academy of Medical Educators (2009). Professional standards. Available from www.medicaleducators.org/resources.asp accessed 30 November 2010.