OER1137b Short Paper (Part of Symposium OER1137) doc

Is there a dichotomy between individual and institutional engagement with OER?

Tom Browne, University of Exeter

Conference Theme: OER strategy and sustainability 

Abstract: The backdrop to this presentation is drawn from two HEFCE funded OER projects obtained by the University of Exeter. In Phase-1, it obtained a JISC-managed project to develop an institutional infrastructure for OER. It explored the motivations and challenges from a range of stakeholders. A firm conclusion was that getting existing materials into 'OER-shape' was neither scalable nor sustainable and a strong recommendation was that OER should be identified as an integral part of "scholarly endeavour". In the light of this the key approach to their Phase-2 HEA-managed project is to formally incorporate OER into accredited staff development programmes, i.e. building it into UK PSF accredited courses for early career academics. Such considerations are in alignment with the recommendations of the recent Browne review, but how will OER contribute to the University's mission as a leading research-intensive institution? How is sustainability evaluated as reflected in the negotiable terms 'cost' and 'value'. There is sometimes a dichotomy regarding how individuals and senior management perceive these terms, particularly in the light of recent economic drivers. This presentation will explore the dichotomy in Exeter's context and consider various ways in which they might be harmonized so that OER is identified both as a strategic and marketable investment for the institution and as an integral element of curriculum design and subsequent delivery.

Keywords: oer; uk psf; sustainability


Browne, T. J. & Newcombe, M. (2009). Open educational resources: A new creative space. In Same places, different spaces. Proceedings ascilite Auckland 2009http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/auckland09/procs/browne.pdf

Tom Browne, Richard Holding, Anna Howell, Sue Rodway-Dyer (2010) The challenges of OER to Academic Practice. Journal of Interactive Media in Education. http://jime.open.ac.uk/article/2010-3/pdf

Tom Browne (2010). Evaluating the benefits of OER: Matching individual and institutional objectives. Presentation given at ALT-C, September, Nottingham, 8/9/2010. http://www8.open.ac.uk/score/news/evaluating-benefits-oer-matching-individual-and-institutional-objectives