OER1162 Oral Presentation pptx

Thursday 12 May 11.30 Breakout Room 4/4a

Mapping the curriculum through shared representations of intentions to teach

Richard Pountney, Sheffield Hallam University

Conference Theme: Academic practice and digital scholarship

Abstract: This presentation outlines the development of a curriculum mapping framework over two phases of C-SAP OER projects. Phase 1 involving a small cluster of academic staff (six partners across six different HEIs and across four social science subject areas) explored processes around the release and sharing of modular teaching content, in which each partner contributed 60 credits, or equivalent, of teaching material to the project (all based around existing modules). The 'raw' materials collected by this project, in the form of modular content offered by partners at the outset of the project, were described, peer- reviewed, and examined in the light of issues pertinent to Open Educational Resources and the ways in which teaching materials could be made open and shareable. These reflexive discussions in turn informed thinking in terms of creating a 'mapping' framework aimed at helping to expose and reveal pedagogical decisions about the creation and potentials for (re)-using the materials, including how the barriers to re-use can be overcome.  Following these discussions around the materials, and any interventions owing to copyright and formatting, the materials were released into JorumOpen, as well as the MERLOT repository, alongside pedagogical descriptions of these materials.
As part of a Phase 2 Cascade project this toolkit is being implemented in a course planning context in social science departments in several institutions as a form of integration of OERs within curriculum design and review. In addition to developing the curriculum mapping framework in applied institutional contexts, this activity is examining the factors influencing the capacity of course planning teams to create a bespoke curriculum that meets the needs of particular learners and the greater involvement of stakeholders in curriculum processes.

Keywords: course design; pedagogy; planning; curriculum mapping